Breeding of New Balsam Pear, Xincui
摘要: 新翠苦瓜是以自交系10A-1.2为母本、9208A为父本杂交育成的。新翠苦瓜长势较旺,始雌花节位9~13节,坐瓜多,瓜皮为淡绿色,尖瘤,瓜长28~34 cm,横径6.0~7.0 cm,单瓜重350~450 g,果形平顶棒状,尾部稍尖,果形美观,商品性好,主侧蔓均可结果,产量高,总产量37 500~52 500 kghm-2,耐寒、适应性较强,较抗枯萎病,该品种于2010年通过福建省农作物新品种认定委员会认定。Abstract: Xincui, a new variety of balsam pears, was developed by using the female parent, 10A-1.2, and the male parent, 9208A. It had the following characteristics: vigorous plant growth, occurrence of first female flower at 9th-13th joint, fruit length of 28-34 cm, fruit diameter of 6.0-7.0 cm, average single fruit weight of 350-450 g, appealing shape,Absinthe green skin with round tumour, fruiting on either main or side branch, high yield, and resistance to low temperatures and draught. The fruit yield of Xincui ranged from 37 500 to 52 500 kghm-2. It was certified as a new variety by Fujian Provincial Crop Variety Appraisal Committee.