Breeding and Cultivation of New Peanut Variety Fuhua7 with High Protein and High O/L Ratio
摘要: 2002年春以湛油41为母本,中间材料9817-36-2为父本配组,混合系谱法选育成福花7号。2009~2010年参加江西省春花生品种区域试验,平均荚果产量4 680.2 kg·hm-2,比对照汕油523增产5.62%,籽仁产量3 234.2 kg·hm-2,比对照汕油523增产6.94%;粗脂肪含量52.02%,蛋白质含量30.19%,O/L值1.35。该品种抗旱性强,耐涝性中等,抗倒性中等,叶斑病较轻,抗锈病,感青枯病,丰产性、稳产性好,全生育期123 d左右。2011年通过江西省认定(赣认花生2011004)。Abstract: A new peanut variety Fuhua7 was bred from the cross between zhanyou41 and 9817-36-2 by using hybrid pedigree method in the spring 2002. Fuhua7 took part in spring peanut variety regional tests in Jiangxi province in 2009 to 2010.Its average pod yield and seed yield were 4680.2 kg穐m-2 and 3234.2 kg穐m-2, and increased by 5.62% and 6.94% compared to Shanyou523, respectively. The crude fat content, protein content and oleic acid/linoleic acid value of the seed was 52.02%, 30.19% and 1.35, respectively. The variety had high drought resistance, medium flooding and lodging tolerance, lighter leaf spot, rust resistance, bacterial wilt susceptivity, higher and more stable yield. The whole growth period was about 123 days. It was released in 2011 in Jiangxi province.