Effect of Extraction Method on Amino Acid Determination for Alkali-hydrolyzed Feather Meal
摘要: 通过比较乙醇回流法、水提取法、稀盐酸法提取羽毛粉碱解液中游离氨基酸,并对这些游离氨基酸分别进行定性和定量检测,探讨运用氨基酸自动分析仪建立一种测定羽毛粉碱解液中游离氨基酸的方法。检测结果表明, 采用pH值3~4、80%乙醇、90℃水浴的乙醇回流法提取羽毛粉碱解液中的游离氨基酸,氨基酸自动分析仪能够分离检测羽毛碱解液中18种游离氨基酸,游离氨基酸总量较其他2种方法分别高出4.5、5.4倍。与其他2种方法比较,该方法所检测出的氨基酸含量均较高,更能准确地反映出羽毛粉碱解液中游离态氨基酸的含量。Abstract: Amino acid content of the alkali solution of feather meals was determined using an automatic amino acid analyzer. Extraction by ethanol, water or HCl was applied prior to amino acid analysis for optimization of the methodology. When 80% ethanol was used at pH 3.3 in a 90℃ water bath for the extraction, all 18 amino acids could be detected. The total amino acid content obtained by the ethanol method was 4.5 times and 5.4 times higher than the water and HCl method, respectively. The content of the individual amino acids obtained by the method increased in proportion with the protein concentration. The analytical results could be used to indicate the degree of feather hydrolysis.