Screening of Microsatellite Markers for Resistance to Bacterial Leaf Blight and Their Application to Gene Pyramiding Breeding in Rice
摘要: 以高抗细条病水稻品系Dular和H359R为抗性供体亲本,在筛选与抗病基因紧密连锁的SSR分子标记的基础上,通过混合选择结合MAS技术的方法,将QTL聚合在一起。连锁SSR标记的筛选结果表明,紧密连锁的SSR标记与相应的目标QTL的推测距离在0.4~4.9cm,可以满足MAS对标记选择准确率的要求。MAS选择结果表明,有效聚合2~4个目标QTL是培育广谱抗细条病品种的有效途径。Abstract: Resistant varieties Dular, which was known contains a resistance QTL qBlsr-11-1, and H359R, which was known contains three resistance QTL(quantitative trait loci) qBlsr3d, qBlsr5a and qBlsr5b, were used as resistance to bacterial leaf blight donor parents. On the basis of screening SSR markers closely linked to resistant QTL, we pyramided resistant QTL by bulk method combined with MAS. The results indicated that distances between the SSR markers and the target QTL estimated at 0.4-4.9cM, which will meet the basic requirements for MAS. MAS result indicated that pyramid 2-4 resistant QTL is an effective way to breed a new rice variety in Broad-spectrum resistant level.
- rice /
- bacterial leaf streak(BLS) /
- resistant QTL /
- gene pyramid
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