• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


俞道标, 赵雅静, 黄顽春, 李小萍, 姜照伟, 陈双龙

俞道标, 赵雅静, 黄顽春, 李小萍, 姜照伟, 陈双龙. 低桩机割再生稻生育特性和氮肥施用技术研究[J]. 福建农业学报, 2012, 27(5): 485-490.
引用本文: 俞道标, 赵雅静, 黄顽春, 李小萍, 姜照伟, 陈双龙. 低桩机割再生稻生育特性和氮肥施用技术研究[J]. 福建农业学报, 2012, 27(5): 485-490.
YU Dao-biao, ZHAO Ya-jing, HUANG Wan-chun, LI Xiao-Ping, JIANG Zhao-wei, CHEN Shuang-long. Growth Characteristics and Nitrogen Application Technique of Ratoon Rice with Machine Harvest in Low Cutting[J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2012, 27(5): 485-490.
Citation: YU Dao-biao, ZHAO Ya-jing, HUANG Wan-chun, LI Xiao-Ping, JIANG Zhao-wei, CHEN Shuang-long. Growth Characteristics and Nitrogen Application Technique of Ratoon Rice with Machine Harvest in Low Cutting[J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2012, 27(5): 485-490.





    姜照伟(1973- ),男,博士,副研究员,主要从事作物高产栽培与生理生态研究(E-mail:jiangzw1973@163.com)

  • 中图分类号: S511;S143.1

Growth Characteristics and Nitrogen Application Technique of Ratoon Rice with Machine Harvest in Low Cutting

  • 摘要: 为探索机械收割的再生稻高产栽培技术,观察再生分蘖生育特性,设置氮肥施用期组合试验。结果表明:头季高桩手割,再生季主体分蘖为倒2、3节位分蘖,总叶数少,无独立根系,早育早熟;头季低桩机割,再生季主体分蘖为倒4、5节位分蘖,总叶数多,有独立根系,机割后7~10d开始在前出叶节萌发节根和子蘖,9~12d分化1次枝梗,抽穗、成熟期比头季高桩手割田推迟15d左右。在头季机收后早施重施氮肥,能有效促进再生分蘖根芽萌发和枝梗颖花分化,增产显著。
    Abstract: To explore high-yielding cultural techniques of ratoon rice with machine harvest and observe on growth characteristics of ratoon tillers, the combination tests of different nitrogen application time were set. The results showed that the main tillers located at the second and third node order in ratoon season with few total leaf number, no independent root, early breeding and early maturity after the main rice was harvested by hand in high cutting. While the main tillers located at the fourth and fifth node order in ratoon season with more total leaf number and independent root after the main rice was harvested by machine in low cutting. After machine harvest 7~10d, nodal root and tillers germinated at prophyll node. After machine harvest 9~12d, the first panicle branch differentiated. The heading and ripening stage delayed about 15d than that of the field which the main rice was harvested by hand in high cutting. After the main rice was harvested by machine, early and heavy application of N-fertilizer effectively promoted root, bud germination and branch, spikelet differentiation of ratoon tillers, which can increase yield significantly.
  • 李小萍,陈爱珠,林玉婷. 水稻再生分蘖的萌发成穗规律研究[J]. 福建稻麦科技,2008,(4):14-16.
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  • 收稿日期:  2012-03-15
  • 修回日期:  2012-04-14
  • 刊出日期:  2012-05-29


