Agronomic Characters Analysis of Dual-purpose Peanut Varieties Under Different Soil Conditions
摘要: 以5个花生品种(系)为材料,在不同土壤条件下比较其主要农艺性状及仁、秆产量的变化规律。结果表明:同一花生品种(系)在不同土壤条件下的适应能力有差异,生物产量也有变化;砂壤中花生仁、秆产量均与主茎高、侧枝长呈极显著正相关,粘壤中花生仁、秆产量均与单株结果数呈显著正相关,而与百果重、百仁重和出仁率呈负相关。汕G在粘壤中的长势及仁、秆产量都好于汕E和泉花7号,是综合仁、杆产量优势较突出的花生新品种(系)。Abstract: Comparative studies on variation of agronomic characteristics as well as the yield of the kernel and stalk in five peanut varieties were carried out with different soil conditions.The results showed as follows: the ability to adapt to different soil conditions is discrepant, even the same varieties of peanut. The biological yield is also changed in two soils. In sandy loam the yield both of the kernel and stalk showed a highly significant positive correlation with plant height and branch length respectively. But there was a significant positive correlation between the yield and pod number per plant in clay loam.It is concerned that the yield of the kernel and stalk were negative correlated with which including 100-pod weight, 100-kernel weight, shelling percentage. Shan G was better than both Shan E and Quanhua No.7 between peanut yield and peanut vine yield in clay loam. It was a comprehensive advantage prominent peanut variety.