Reproductive biology of Spinibarbus caldwelli
摘要: 黑脊倒刺鲃为分批产卵型,1年中有3次产卵高峰,分别为5月、8月和10月。雌雄比例为1:0.58,其中5月最高,为1:0.67。黑脊倒刺鲃怀卵量较少,波动于2200~14181之间,平均6 041粒,但卵粒大,最大卵径可达2.4 mm,平均1.94 mm。绝对怀卵量与体重关系式为R=1265.9e3.8805W(r=0.9337),与体长关系式为R=48.425L1.4493(r=0.9585)。黑脊倒刺鲃生殖群体体长20.0~30.0 cm,体重对应在0.35~0.75 kg之间,以3龄为主。Abstract: Spinibarbus caldwellii can spawn several times a year with spawning peaks in May,August and October.The sex ratio of female to male was 1:0.58,peaked in May at 1:0.67.The fecundity of S.caldwelli was low,varying from 2200 to 14181 with an average of 6041 eggs.The egg size could be up to 2.4 mm,averaging 1.94 mm,in diameter.The relation between the absolute fecundity and body weight was R=1265.9e3.8805W(r=0.9337),and that between the absolute fecundity and body length was R=48.425L1.4493(r=0.9585).The body lengths of spawning stock were between 20.0 cm and 30.0 cm,and the body weight ranged from 0.35 kg to 0.75 kg.The spawning stock was mainly 3-year-olds.