RAPD analysis on 23 accessions of wild Ardisia crenata Sims. germplasm from Mt. gushan
摘要: 随机选取福建福州鼓山上不同地理位置的23个绿叶朱砂根单株幼嫩叶片为材料,利用RAPD进行遗传多样性分析.结果表明:朱砂根鼓山群体的有效等位基因数Ne为1.4233,Nei氏基因多样度H为0.2524,平均等位基因数Na为1.8060,Shannon多样性指数I为0.382,这些数据共同说明福建鼓山朱砂根群体具有较高的遗传多样性;同时,供试的23份朱砂根资源在遗传上有着较高的相似系数,证明了它们之间在遗传上保持着相对较高的稳定性.Abstract: Twenty-three accessions of Ardisia crenata Sims germplasm chosen randomly from different geographical locations at Mt.Gushan were used in the genetic diversity analysis by RAPD.The results showed that in the wild population,the number of effective alleles(Ne) was 1.4233,the Nei′s gene diversity(H) was 0.2524,the average number of alleles(Na) was 1.8060 and the Shannon′s index of diversity(I) was 0.3852.The data indicated that the genetic diversity was high in the wild population.Furthermore,their genetic proximity was high suggesting a highly stable heredity.