• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Breeding and good characteristics of a new peanut variety, Minhua 6

  • 摘要: 闽花6号是福建农林大学以汕油523为母本、以Q6为父本有性杂交选育而成,于2006年通过福建省农作物品种审定委员会认定,2009年通过农业部花生品种鉴定.该品种在福建省及全国花生新品种区域试验中表现为高产稳产、高蛋白、较抗黄曲霉.该品种分枝数较多、株高较矮、单株结果数多、饱果数多、出仁率高、籽仁含油量50.08%,蛋白质含量30.63%,属高蛋白品种,脂肪和蛋白质之和高达81.8%.根据福建省花生品种区试数据,应用AMMI模型对参试品种的稳定性分析表明,闽花6号高产、适应性强.对闽花6号进行重要农艺性状的通径分析显示,各性状对产量的直接贡献大小依次为:荚果饱满度单株结果数百果重主茎高总分枝数出仁率侧枝长百仁重结果枝数.


    Abstract: Minhua 6 was bred from the cross between Shanyou 523 and Q6 at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University.It was released by Fujian Crop Variety Approval Committee in early 2006,and has been certified as a nationally identified new peanut variety by the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture in 2009.The variety has shown excellent characteristics of high-yield,high-protein content and medium Aspergillus flavus-resistance in the regional tests on both provincial and national levels.The new breed had more branches on shorter main stalks,more number of pods and mature pods per plant with higher shelling rate than the existing varieties.The oil content of Minhua 6 was 50.08% and the protein content 31.72%.Thus,it belonged to the high-protein peanuts with a combined fat and protein content of 81.8%.The data obtained at the regional tests in Fujian were analyzed using AMMI model indicating that Minhua 6 was of high yield with high environmental adaptability.The pathway analysis on Minhua 6 showed that the contribution level of the agronomic characteristics was in the following order: rate of full podspod number per plant100 pod weightheight of main stalknumber of branchesshelling percentagelength of secondary branches100 kernel weightnumber of branch born pods per plant.


