• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Combining ability,correlation and path analysis on characteristics of 16 silage maize inbred lines

  • 摘要: 选用福建省农业科学院作物研究所选育的12个青贮玉米自交系与国内4个主要骨干自交系,按NCⅡ(不完全双列杂交)设计的原理和方法对组配的48个杂交种进行配合力分析,并进行相关及通径分析。结果表明:MQ12-243是各个性状GCA效应值表现优良的自交系;生物产量高的组合为MQ12-243×18599;生物产量的狭义遗传力hN2较低,而株高的狭义遗传力hN2较高。相关及通径分析表明,株高、穗位高和百粒重与生物产量为显著正相关;百粒重对生物产量的直接效应明显,株高和穗位高对生物产量的直接和间接作用均较明显;因此,在选育高生物产量品种的过程中应注重对株高、穗位高和粒重的选择。


    Abstract: Twelve silage maize inbred lines,which were cultivated by the Corps Research Institute at Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences,and 4 other main inbred lines were selected for the study.The 16 inbred lines were designed by P1xP2 uncompleted diallel crossing of NCII method to evaluate their combining ability and correlation,as well as,for path analysis.The results showed that the inbred lines of MQ12-243 had higher general combining ability with a crossed high biological yield of the hybrids of MQ12-243 18599.The hN2 for biological yield was lower and that for plant height higher.Correlation and Path analysis,plant height,ear height and 100-kernel weight had a significant positive correlation with the biological yield.The direct effect of 100-kernel weight on biological yield was most significant.The indirect effect of plant height and ear height on biological yield was equally significant.Therefore,it was concluded that the inbred lines should be selected with high plant height,ear height and kernel weight.


