Comparative advantages of Fujian's major crops
摘要: 利用综合比较优势指数法,分析福建省2007~2009年间9类主要农作物生产比较优势,结果表明:茶叶、烟叶在福建省具有显著的比较优势;蔬菜、水果、花卉具有较强的比较优势;粮食、油料、麻类、甘蔗则不具备比较优势。Abstract: The 2007-2009 production of 9 kinds major crops in Fujian was compared with that of other provinces in China based on the comprehensive comparative advantage indices.The results showed that(a) tea and tobacco had a significant comparative advantage;(b) vegetables,fruits and flowers were relatively advantageous;and(c) grains,oil,hemp and sugarcane did not enjoy any apparent advantages over the other provinces.