• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Breeding and Cultivation of a New Rust-resistance Peanut Variety, Fuhua 6

  • 摘要: 2002年春以湛油41为母本、福建省农业科学院作物研究所选育的中间材料9817-36-2为父本,有性杂交,混合系谱法选择,育成了丰产、含油量高的花生新品种福花6号。该品种于2008~2009年参加福建省春花生品种区域试验,2008年平均荚果产量3 926.85 kghm-2,比对照泉花10号增产11.05%;平均籽仁产量2 640.00 kghm-2,比对照增产9.54%。2009年续试,平均荚果产量4 039.20 kghm-2,比对照泉花7号增产8.50%,平均籽仁产量2 672.25 kghm-2,比对照增产7.71%。粗脂肪含量54.04%,蛋白质含量24.48%,感青枯病,中抗叶斑病,高抗锈病、耐涝、抗倒伏,生育期129 d左右。2010年春季进行生产试验,同年8月通过了福建省农作物品种审定委员会花生专业组现场考查和评议,2011年2月通过福建省农作物新品种审定。该品种在福建省春植适宜的播种期从南至北为2月底至4月初,秋植从北至南为7月下旬至8月初。春植适宜的密度为27.0~3.0万苗hm-2,秋植适宜密度为30.0~33.0万苗hm-2为宜,肥力差的田段可适当增加密度。全生育期掌握纯N 67.5~82.5 kghm-2,N∶P∶K为1∶0.8∶1.2;以50%的N肥、100%的P肥、70%的K肥作基肥,其余作追肥。


    Abstract: In order to breed a new variety of peanuts with wide adaptability, high yield and high-quality for Fujian, Fuhua 6 was nurtured by the Institute of Crop Sciences, Fujian Academy of agricultural Sciences. It had a high yield with a high-oil content. The variety took part in the 2008-2009 provincial spring peanut regional tests, had a production experiment executed in the spring of 2010, and passed the field evaluation held by the peanut professional group of the non-major crop variety appraisal committee of Fujian province in August 2010. In 2008, its pod yield was 3 926.85 kghm-2, increasing 11.05% over the control, Quanhua 10. The kernel yield was 2 640.00 kghm-2, increasing 9.54% over the control. And, in 2009, the pod yield was 4 039.20 kghm-2, increasing 8.50% over the control, Quanhua 7. The kernel yield was 2 672.25 kghm-2, increasing 7.71% over the control. In the spring of 2010, the production experiment on Fuhua 6 was carried out. It passed the evaluation by the peanut professional group of Fujian Crop Variety Approval Committee in August, and was completed in December 2010. Fuhua 6 was examined and approved by the provincial government in February 2011. The kernels contained 54.04% crude fat, 24.48% protein. They were susceptible to bacterial wilt, had a medium resistance to leaf spot, but high resistances to rust, flood and lodging. The growth period of Fuhua 6 was about 129 days. The variety was suitable for sowing at the end of February to early April, and in late July to early August as well, from the southern to the northern regions in Fujian. The recommended planting density was 18 000-20 000 kghm-2in spring, and 20 000-22 000 kghm-2 in autumn. During its growth period 67.5-82.5 kghm-2 of N with the ratio of N∶ P∶K of 1.0∶0.8∶1.2 were needed. The base fertilizers included 50% of N fertilizer, 100% of P fertilizer and 70% of K fertilizer, and the remainder as top dressing.


