• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Heat Tolerance of Seventeen Cauliflower Genotypes

  • 摘要: 以17份不同基因型花椰菜幼苗为试材,研究高温胁迫对花椰菜的3个农艺性状和6个生理指标的影响,采用主成分分析、系统聚类分析和隶属函数法等综合评价花椰菜的耐热性。结果表明,9个单项指标集约于5个主成分,累计贡献率为0.877,通过隶属函数值D评价耐热性的强弱,并利用聚类分析将 17份不同基因型花椰菜分为3类:第Ⅰ类是耐热类型花1-3优-H;第Ⅱ类是中度耐热类型,包括郑反1-H、14号、A-118-3、18-2-2-4s、143-4-1-1-5-4s、A-422-2、A-25花1-2、花1♂-2优、142-2-5 和A3A19-2;第Ⅲ类是不耐热类型,包括B-1花-1-3-2、C-519-1、C-1196-6、A6A19-2、C-519-1A36-5和B-210-2。采用耐性指标和综合评价方法对17份不同基因型花椰菜的耐热性能力进行了分类、筛选和评价,为花椰菜耐热性进一步育种奠定了基础。


    Abstract: Seventeen cauliflower genotypes were subjected to heat stress to study the effects on 3 agronomical and 6 physi-biochemical traits. Using the principal component analysis, subordinate function and system clustering analysis on these 9 traits, heat tolerance of the genotypes was evaluated. The principal component analysis indicated that the 9 indices could be characterized into 5 factors with an accumulative contribution rate of up to 0. 877. Based on the D value of subordinate function analysis, the 17 genotypes were divided into 3 clusters by system clustering analysis. The most heat tolerant genotype was H1-3Y-H, the medium tolerant genotypes were ZF1-H, 14, A-118-3, 18-2-2-4s, 143-4-1-1-5-4s, A-422-2, A-25H1-2, H1♂-2Y, 142-2-5 and A3A19-2, and the lest tolerant genotypes were B-1H-1-3-2, C-519-1, C-1196-6, A6A19-2, C-519-1A36-5 and B-210-2. The selection and evaluation methods developed in this study provided a useful tool for further study on heat tolerance and breeding of cauliflowers.


