Pharmacokinetics and Residues of Norfloxacin in Hybrid Tilapia
摘要: 在水温(252)℃条件下,以20 mgkg-1鱼体重的剂量给奥尼罗非鱼单次口灌诺氟沙星,高效液相色谱法测定血浆和肌肉组织中的药物浓度,研究诺氟沙星在奥尼罗非鱼体内的代谢及消除规律。结果显示:血药时间数据符合一级吸收二室开放模型,半衰期(T1/2Ka、T1/2、T1/2)分别为1.30、1.97、26.36 h,最大血药浓度为0.546 g mL-1,达峰时间为2.715 h,药时曲线下面积(AUC)为14.491 gh mL-1。选取肌肉组织作为残留检测的靶组织,以10 gkg-1为最高残留限量,在本试验条件下,建议休药期不低于55 d。Abstract: In order to study the metabolism and elimination of norfloxacin (NFX) in hybrid tilapias (Oreochromis aureusO.niloticus), single oral administration at dose of 20 mgkg-1 had been investigated in healthy tilapia at (252)℃.The result demonstrated: Plasma concentration-time datas of NFX were best fitted using a two-compartmental open model.Absorption, distribution and elimination half-life were 1.30,1.97 and 26.36 hours, respectively.The maximal plasma concentration was 0.546 gmL-1, peaking at 2.715 hour.Area under the plasma drug concentration-time curve was 14.491 ghmL-1.As an edible tissue, muscle was selected as target tissue in this experiment.The maximum residue limit (MRL) is 10 gkg-1 in muscle, the withdrawal time should not be less than 55 days under this experiment condition.