• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Breeding of Silage Maize, Minqingqingzhu 1

  • 摘要: 根据福建省气候、生态特点,引进各类玉米种质资源,通过筛选鉴定出适合福建省生态的青贮玉米资源,利用系谱选育和配合力测定相结合的技术路线,育成新组合闽青青贮1号。测交试验表明,亲本闽4779、青2配合力高,性状互补性强,配成的闽青青贮1号高产、优质、适应性广、稳产性好,生物产量平均57 532.5 kghm-2,于2011年3月通过福建省农作物品种审定委员会审定。


    Abstract: In breeding a new silage variety for Fujian, various maize germplasms were introduced, screened and selected according to the specific climatic and ecological requirements.The resultant combination, Minqingqingzhu 1, had passed the provincial evaluation in 2011.The crossing test showed that its parents, Min 4779 and Qing 2, displayed a high combining ability with good complementary effect on the crop characteristics.During the 2008-2009 regional field trials, Minqingqingzhu 1 exhibited an average biological yield of 57 532.5 kghm-2, as well as desirable properties on yield, quality, stability and adaptability.


