• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Preliminary Study on the Two Different Pathotypes of Ralsionia solanacearum

  • 摘要: 为明确甘薯瘟Ⅰ型菌与Ⅱ型菌接种同一甘薯品种后具有不同致病力的原因,对2种菌系进行了形态学观察和基因组DNA多态性差异分析。研究结果如下:(1)用甘薯瘟Ⅰ型菌与Ⅱ型菌分别接种金山57,结果表明金山57对Ⅰ型菌表现高抗,对Ⅱ型菌表现高感;(2)400倍显微镜和10 000倍电镜下观察结果表明,2种菌均为杆状菌、有极生鞭毛,两端钝圆或尖圆,形态学结构无差别;(3)经16SrDNA扩增检测,确认所提取2个菌系的DNA为细菌DNA,运用RAPD分子标记方法对2个菌系的基因组DNA进行PCR扩增,10条RAPD引物共扩增出104条带,其中多态性条带有25条,多态性条带比率为24.04%,2个菌系基因组DNA之间存在明显多态性,基因组DNA之间的差异可能是导致其致病力显著不同的内在原因。


    Abstract: In order to obtain a reasonable explanation of the phenomenon that there are different virulence between Ralstonia solanacearum typeⅠand typeⅡon the sweetpotato variety Jinshan57, morphological and genome DNA polymorphism were studied in this study.The results were as follows: 1,vaccination results shows jinshan57 high resistance to typeⅠand high sensitive to typeⅡ;2, There was no difference in morphological structure of the two strains based on microscopy and electron microscopy; 3, The DNA which were extracted from the two strains were bacterial 16S rDNA, Polymorphism was found between the two strains by analysis of genome DNA using RAPD markers, and the ratio of polymorphic bands up to 24.04%.The results showed that the genetic diversity maybe contribute to the different virulence between the typeⅠ and typeⅡ strains.


