The Effects of Coastal Wind Sandy Soil on the Adsorption-Desorption of Different Calcium Variety Fertilizer
摘要: 通过室内培育试验,研究了在恒温和85%田间持水量条件下,沿海耕作风砂土对贝壳粉、壳灰2种外源钙肥的吸附-解吸的动态特征。结果表明:在培育前7 d,耕作风砂土对外源钙吸附表现为负吸附,随培育时间的延长在培育第20 d转为正吸附,培育第40 d达吸附平衡,并持续到第70 d。在培育各阶段分别可用一元二次方程、线性方程及langmuir方程进行拟合。耕作风砂土对外源Ca的吸附率很低,解吸率却很高。在吸附平衡时,对贝壳粉Ca、壳灰Ca的吸附率分别只有11.0%~19.2%和8.8%~15.8%;解吸率却分别为67.0%~76.3%和72.4%~78.5%。并且在贝壳粉、壳灰施用Ca浓度分别为900、600 mgkg-1时,耕作风砂土对贝壳粉Ca、壳灰Ca都分别表现出相对最高的吸附率和最低的解吸率。Abstract: This article through the cultivation experiment, studied the dynamic change of absorption-desorption ratios coastal wind sandy soil on the two kinds of calcium fertilizer under room temperature and 85% field water capacity condition.The results showed that coastal wind sandy soil on two kinds of calcium fertilizer is the negative adsorption on the first 7 day and positive adsorption start at the 20th day and reach the adsorption equilibrium at the 40th day, and then maintain to the 70th day.In the cultivate various stages were fitted by a quadratic equation, linear equation and Langmuir equation.Were available at various stages of training linear equations were fitted and Langmuir equation.Coastal wind sandy soil on two kinds calcium fertilizer absorption ratio is very low, but desorption rate is very high.When adsorption equilibrium the shell power and shell ash calcium adsorption rate only 11.0%-19.2% and 8.8%-15.8%; but desorption rate is 67.0%-76.3% and 72.4%-78.5%.Coastal wind sandy soil showed the highest sorption rate and the lowest rates of desorption when shell power and shell ash calcium applied 9 900、600 mgkg-1.