Studies on Meiotic Behavior of Pollen Mother Cells of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.)
摘要: 研究苦瓜花粉母细胞的减数分裂行为,发现苦瓜花粉母细胞减数分裂中细胞质分裂类型为同时型,并且在减数分裂过程中存在不同步现象。在苦瓜花粉母细胞细胞核分裂中,从前期I到中期I,核仁逐渐消失,到前期Ⅱ又重新出现,随后消失。同时,从前期I到中期I,染色体开始收缩并逐渐变得清晰,到末期I时,苦瓜染色体发生解螺旋并逐渐模糊,前期Ⅱ再次变得清晰。研究还发现,苦瓜花粉母细胞减数分裂前期I和前期II中,存在多核仁现象。苦瓜减数分裂过程中产生部分多分孢子,这可能与逆境及染色体不同步分离相关。Abstract: Meiotic behaviors of pollen mother cells (PMCs) of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) were characterized. It was found that the pollen mother cell of bitter gourd revealed a simultaneous cytokinesis with unsynchronized phenomenon in meiotic division. Nucleolus disappeared gradually from prophase I to metaphase I, reappeared at prophaseⅡand then disappeared. Chromosome became more and more identifiable from prophase I to metaphase I, and illegible at telophase I with unwinding. Moreover, multi nucleoli was investigated in prophase I and prophase Ⅱ. Frequent polyads were observed in this study, which was likely related to the weather adversity and unsynchronized phenomenon in meiotic division.