Breeding and characteristics of the high-and-steady yield vegetable soybean,Mindou 1
摘要: 闽豆1号系以毛豆292为母本、早生枝豆为父本进行有性杂交,经系选而成的菜用大豆新品种。在2004~2005年的多点区试中,该品种表现早熟、丰产稳产、适应性广,鲜荚平均产量达10632.0kg·hm-2。2007年1月通过福建省农作物品种审定委员会审定。Abstract: Mindou 1 is a new vegetable soybean variety bred by crossing Maodou 292 and Zaoshengzhidou.The regional trials during 2004-2005 showed that it had the characteristics of early maturation,high-and-steady yield,and broad adaptability.Its average fresh pod yield was 10632.0 kg·hm-2.It was certified by Fujian Crop Varieties Committee in January 2007.