• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Review and prospect of citrus Huanglongbing research

  • 摘要: 柑桔黄龙病是由一种叫做韧皮部杆菌(Candidatus Liberibacter)的病原引起的,已经确定的病原有亚洲、非洲和美洲3个种。病害通过种苗、嫁接和木虱介体等途径传播。病害可根据田间症状诊断,也可以通过血清学、电镜技术和PCR等分子生物学等技术进行鉴定。目前,柑桔黄龙病主要依靠综合防治的方法。开展病原的人工培养、抗病育种、致病机理和病害防治方法等方面的研究对揭示病原特性和病害防治等都具有十分重要的意义。


    Abstract: Citrus huanglongbing (HLB) is caused by Liberibacter whichincludes three species.HLB can be transmitted by seedling and grafting as well as psyllid.There are some diagnoses methods of HLB disease,including the symptom diagnosis of the diseased leaves in field,serum detecting method and the pathogen diagnosis using electron microscopy as well as molecular detecting method,such as PCR.Hitherto,there are no effective methods to protect citrus plant from HLB.The integrated pest management (IPM) is available in protecting the plant from the disease now,such as eliminating the pathogen source and cutting transmitting approach of the HLB,etc.It is very important for both the realization of the pathogen characterization and the management of the disease to study the artificial pathogen culture,disease-resistant plant breeding and disease-inducing mechanism as well as controlling method for the disease.


