Breeding of a new early indica rice variety,Zhangjiazhan with high quality
摘要: 利用优质早籼稻品种佳禾早占做母本与优质高产中间材料特丰矮/多系1号杂交,从杂交F2代起,每代采用出糙筛选法进行优质单株选择,定向培育,育成优质早籼稻品种漳佳占。该品种高产、米质优、抗性强、后期转色好、抗倒性强,在2002~2003年福建省区试中,两年平均比对照种佳禾早占增产2.86%。Abstract: Hybridization between Jiahezhaozhan and Tefengai/duoxi 1 was conducted.From the F2 generations,a milling-brown breeding way was adopted continuously to select the good lines,finally new early variety(Zhangjiazhan) with high quality was developed.It showed high yield,strong resistance,high quality,good performance in ripe time and resistance to lodge.In the regional test of Fujian in 2002-2003,the average yield in two years was 2.86% higher than that of Jiahezhaozhan.