Breeding of a new balsam pear variety Minyan 1
摘要: 选用遗传距离大、来自不同区域的苦瓜品种材料高代自交系配制杂交组合27个,通过比较观察表明,组合120(闽研1号)综合性状表现优良,中早熟,商品瓜长纺锤状,瓜长26~32cm,瓜横径5.0~6.5cm,瓜肉厚0.8cm左右。瓜皮色淡绿具有光泽。平均单瓜重300~450g。肉质甘脆微苦,品质好。参加漳平、霞浦、福清多点试验,总产量达26000~32000kg·hm-2,分别比当地对照品种增产1.97%、13.7%、16.5%。Abstract: Twenty-seven crossed-combinations from high-general self-crossed-systems with longer heredity-distance and different origin had been tested.The combination "120" (Minyan 1) displayed early-middle ripe character.The fruit was long spindle, glossy light green skin, weighed about 300—450g with 26—32cm in length, 5.0—6.5cm in diameter and about 0.8cm in thickness.The fruit meat tasted sweet, fragile and little bitter.The fruit yields ranged from 26000 to 32000kg·hm-2, and was 1.97%, 13.7%, 16.5%higher than that of the local cultivars in Zhangping, Xiapu and Fuqing City demonstrations, respectively.