• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Rice Varieties, Soil Conditioners, and Foliar Blockers for Remedying Cd-Pb Contamination on Paddy Fields

  • 摘要:
    目的 评估不同水稻品种、土壤调理剂和叶面阻控剂对重金属污染土壤的治理效果及对水稻产量和品质的影响。
    方法 采用田间试验的方法,试验区选址在福建省龙岩市某县区安全利用耕地镉-铅复合污染大田,其土壤中镉、铅DTPA提取量分别为0.190 mg·kg−1、16.3 mg·kg−1,土壤中全Cd、全Pb含量分别为0.334 mg·kg−1、99.5 mg·kg−1。选用当地常规杂交水稻品种甬优9、甬优1540、甬优17、泰两优美丝、两优1516、喜两优丰丝苗、更香优糖丝、更香优703、中浙优8号、增香丝隆望两优889进行对比试验,比较分析各品种产量及水稻糙米中Cd、Pb含量;比较不同土壤调理剂(牡蛎壳粉、麦饭石粉、屹米达土壤修复剂IM-2、屹米达土壤调理剂IM-3、超稳矿化土壤修复新材料、洋屿土壤结构调理剂)和叶面阻控剂(楚戈、玲珑硅、给力硅、粮安好、液体硅)对土壤中有效态Cd、Pb含量和水稻糙米中Cd、Pb含量的影响;把不同安全利用措施优化组合,探讨其对受污染耕地修复治理的效果与可行性。
    结果 不同水稻品种在产量和水稻糙米中Cd、Pb的累积上存在明显差异,其中甬优17产量最高,泰两优美丝产量最低,10种不同水稻品种糙米中Cd、Pb含量均未超出国家标准GB 2762—2022要求(Cd≤0.2 mg·kg−1、Pb≤0.2 mg·kg−1),增香丝隆望两优889、甬优9号、中浙优8号、甬优17等4种水稻品种在产量及对重金属Cd、Pb的低积累上表现出较好效果。不同土壤调理剂能显著提升土壤pH值,除了施用超稳矿化土壤修复新材料处理组出现水稻产量减产外,其他处理则均表现出显著增产效果。施用牡蛎壳粉、麦饭石、屹米达土壤调理剂IM-3、超稳矿化土壤修复新材料等4种土壤调理剂显著降低了土壤中有效态Cd、Pb含量;施用牡蛎壳粉、屹米达土壤调理剂IM-3、洋屿土壤结构调理剂、超稳矿化土壤修复新材料显著降低了水稻糙米中Cd含量,除了洋屿土壤结构调理剂处理组水稻糙米中Pb有检测出,其他处理组均未检出。不同叶面阻控剂在水稻产量上均表现出显著增产效果,均能显著降低水稻糙米中Cd含量,降低比例依次为粮安好>液体硅> 玲珑硅> 楚戈>给力硅;除粮安好处理组水稻糙米中有检测出Pb外,其他处理组水稻中则均未检出。3种综合治理技术模式均能显著降低土壤中有效态Cd、Pb含量,显著降低水稻糙米中Cd含量,水稻糙米中Pb则均未检出。
    结论 筛选出增香丝隆望两优889、甬优9号、中浙优8号、甬优17等4种水稻品种作为低积累水稻品种;土壤调理剂推荐使用牡蛎壳粉和屹米达土壤调理剂IM-3,叶面阻控剂推荐使用液体硅和玲珑硅。在镉-铅复合污染稻田上,因地制宜选用上述推荐的低积累水稻品种、土壤调理剂、叶面阻控剂,以“低积累水稻品种+土壤调理剂+叶面阻控剂”的组合作为综合治理技术模式使用,既能保障水稻产量,又能有效降低土壤中有效态Cd、Pb含量,降低水稻糙米中Cd、Pb含量,保障水稻的质量安全。


    Objective  Proper selections of rice varieties, soil conditioners, and foliar blockers to mitigate the ill-affected rice quality and production and soil condition on a Cd-Pb contaminated paddy field were investigated.
    Method  In a field experiment, the test area was selected in a Cd-Pb compound polluted field in a county and district of Longyan City, Fujian Province, where the soil Cd and Pb DTPA extractions were 0.190 mg·kg−1, 16.3 mg·kg−1, and the soil total Cd and Pb contents were 0.334 mg·kg−1, 99.5 mg·kg−1, respectively. Conventional hybrid rice varieties, Yongyou 9, Yongyou 1540, Yongyou 17, Tailiangyoumeisi, Liangyou 1516, Xiliangyoufengsimiao, Gengxiangyoutangsi, Gengxiangyou 703, Zhongzheyou 8, and Zengxiangsilongwangliangyou 889, were planted on Cd-Pb contaminated soils treated with various conditioners and sprayed on plant leaves with different foliar blockers. Grain yield and Cd-Pb in the harvested brown rice of each rice variety as well as in the soils under treatments were recorded. The soil conditioners applied included oyster shell powder, medical stone powder, Yimida soil remediation agent IM-2, Yimida soil conditioner IM-3, ultra-stable mineralized soil remediation new material, and Yangyu soil structure conditioner, and the foliar blockers included Chuge, Linglong silicon, Geili silicon, Liang'anhao, liquid silicon. Effectiveness and feasibility of the combined optimal treatments in reversing the ill-effects of the heavy metal contamination on the farmland were examined.
    Result  Significant differences on yield and Cd-Pb in brown rice of the varieties of rice grown on the lots were found. For instance, Yongyou 17 had the highest yield and Tailiangyoumeisi the lowest, but the Cd-Pb contents for all 10 rice cultivars were below the national standards GB 2762—2022, 0.2 mg·kg−1 for Cd and 0.2 mg·kg−1 for Pb. Zengxiangsilongwangliangyou 889, Yongyou 9, Zhongzheyou 8, and Yongyou 17 performed well on yield with low Cd-Pb. The soil conditioners, other than the ultra-stable mineralized soil remediation new material, significantly raised the soil pH and grain yield. Among them, the oyster shell powder, medical stone, Yimida soil conditioner IM-3, and the ultra-stable mineralized soil remediation new material significantly lowered the available Cd-Pb in soil; the oyster shell powder, Yimida soil conditioner IM-3, Yangyu soil structure conditioner, and the ultra-stable mineralized soil remediation new material significantly reduced the Cd in brown rice; and, except Yangyu soil structure conditioner, all others helped to render Pb not detectable in the brown rice. The tested foliar blockers sprayed on rice plants significantly improved the grain yield with reduced Cd in brown rice in the order of: Liang'anhao>liquid silicon>Linglong silicon>Chuge>Geili silicon. Aside from Liang'anhao, the foliar blockers also decreased the Pb in brown rice to a non-detectable level. In combination, the three methods tried in this study not only effectively decreased the Cd-Pb contents in brown rice and soil but also significantly enhanced the grain yield.
    Conclusion Zengxiangsilongwangliangyou 889, Yongyou 9, Zhongzheyou 8, and Yongyou 17 were low in accumulating Cd-Pb and high on yield. The oyster shell powder and Yimida soil conditioner IM-3 were the choice soil conditioners. The liquid silicon or Linglong silicon performed satisfactorily as a foliar blocker. By combining the above-recommended selections for a treatment, an effective reduction in soil Cd-Pb, crop increase on rice, and safety assurance for consumption could be realized.


