• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Volatiles in Ripening Minxuan Dwarf Bananas

  • 摘要:
    目的 研究转色期后不同成熟度闽选矮蕉的挥发性成分组成及变化,为闽选矮蕉果实品质评价及加工提供数据支撑。
    方法 采用顶空气相色谱-质谱联用技术(HS-GC-MS)对闽选矮蕉转色后绿色多于黄色(S3)、黄色多于绿色(S5)、通体黄色(S7)、果实出现较多斑点(S9)等4个不同成熟度的挥发性成分进行测定及评价,采用主成分析方法研究其变化累积的过程。
    结果 闽选矮蕉不同成熟度共检测出23种正、反向匹配度大于800的挥发性成分,包括醛类、酯类、醇类等。成熟度对挥发性成分的种类及相对含量均有显著影响,S3检测出3种挥发性成分,S5检测出11种挥发性成分,S7检测出21挥发性成分,S9检测出22种挥发性成分,S3~S5成熟度主要为醛类物质,S7~S9成熟度醛类物质显著下降,酯类物质急剧上升,其中乙酸酯类及丁酸酯类为后期的主要酯类成分,醛类物质、乙酸异戊酯可作为评价香蕉成熟度的重要指标。4个熟级的闽选矮蕉主成分得分为S9>S7>S5>S3,从PCA结果可知,挥发性成分种类、含量及变化与香蕉成熟度密切相关。
    结论 醛类物质、乙酸异戊酯可作为判断闽选矮蕉成熟度的主要挥发性成分指标。


    Objective Volatiles in maturing Minxuan dwarf bananas after color change were analyzed for quality and processing determinations.
    Method Headspace gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-GC-MS) was applied for the chemical analysis in stages as the fruit peel color changing gradually from mostly green (S3) to partially yellow (S5) and from entirely yellow (S7) to appearance of numerous brown spots (S9). Principal volatiles released from the fruit in the process were determined.
    Result  Twenty-three aldehydes, esters, and alcohols that scored greater than 800 on the index for a positive or negative correlation with the banana maturity were identified. Three of them existed in the stage of S3; 11 in S5; 21 in S7; and 22 in S9. Between the stages S3 and S5, aldehydes were the dominant aromatics. In S7-S9, aldehydes decreased significantly, while esters, mainly acetates and butyrates, increased significantly toward the end. Aldehydes and isoamyl acetate appeared to closely relate with the fruit maturation. The principal component scores clearly showed that the changes in type and content of the volatiles significantly parallelled the progress of fruit ripening.
    Conclusion  The volatile substances in Minxuan dwarf bananas changed closely with the ripening of the fruits. Aldehydes and isoamyl acetate could be used an effective indicator to evaluate banana maturity.


