• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


A New Sugarcane Variety, Mintang 061405

  • 摘要:
      目的  选育高产高糖、宿根性强、抗倒伏、适合机械化生产的甘蔗新品种,为我国蔗糖产业的持续发展提供品种和技术支持。
      方法  以闽糖92-649为母本、新台糖10号为父本,通过五圃制杂交,选育出优良甘蔗新品种闽糖061405,并在福建省进行多年多点生产试验和参加全国联合区域试验,同时进行遗传组成分析。
      结果  在福建省多年多点品种试验中,闽糖061405每公顷蔗茎产量133.055 t,11月至翌年1月平均蔗糖分(绝对值)15.35%,每公顷含糖量20.475 t,与主栽品种新台糖16号相比,蔗茎产量增加19.84%、含糖量增加11.83%、蔗糖分降低0.23个百分点;遗传组成分析结果表明,闽糖061405共含有14个不同基础种质,遗传组成丰富。
      结论  闽糖061405具有高产高糖、宿根性强、适应性广、抗倒伏能力强的优良特性,且具有适宜全程机械化栽培的特征,是一个种性优良的甘蔗新品种,但对黑穗病表现感病,适宜在广西、广东、海南、福建、云南临沧等我国主要蔗区种植并推广全程机械化栽培。


      Objective  To breed a new variety of sugarcane that had high yield and sucrose content, strong ratooning ability and lodging-resistance, and were adaptable for mechanized production in preparation for the development of a sustainable cane sugar industry in China.
      Method  Mintang 061405, selected from the cross combinations between Mintang 92-649 and ROC10, was bred following the procedures of the Five-nursery Breeding System.
      Result  The new variety successfully passed the production tests at different sites for several years in Fujian as well as a national regional test. Mintang 061405 exhibited a mean cane yield of 130.055 t·hm-2 with a November-to-February sucrose content (absolute value) of 15.35% and a sugar yield of 20.475 t·hm-2, representing 19.84% increase on cane yield, 11.83% increase on sugar yield, and 0.23% less on sucrose content over those of the currently leading variety ROC16 in Fujian. The genetic composition of the new variety richly inherited from 14 different basic germplasms.
      Conclusion  Mintang 061405 was a new sugarcane variety exhibiting the desirable properties of high yield, high sucrose content, strong ratooning ability, wide adaptability, high resistance to lodging, and adaptable to the mechanized planting and harvesting in the major sugarcane producing areas in China, such as Guangxi, Guangdong, Hainan, Fujian, and Yunnan lincang. However, a deficiency was found on its susceptibility to smut infection.


