• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Hydrosalpinx Fluid Syndrome in Ducks Caused by Avian Metapneumovirus Subgroup C

  • 摘要:
      目的  明确引起种(蛋)鸭特征性输卵管积液和产蛋下降的新发疫病俗称种(蛋)鸭输卵管积液综合征的病原。
      方法  对自闽粤赣浙皖桂等地产蛋率较高的部分鸭群表现以输卵管内乳糜性积液、黏膜出血水肿增厚及不同程度产蛋下降为特征的病(死)麻鸭、樱桃谷种鸭和种番鸭中采集的样品(输卵管积液、输卵管黏膜、卵巢和肝脾脏器),开展鸭已知病原核酸监测、病原分离鉴定和开产麻鸭人工感染试验。
      结果  细菌分离显示,输卵管积液里未分离到细菌,排除细菌感染引起;经病毒核酸监测,只有C型禽偏肺病毒(Avain metapneumoviurs subgroup C,aMPV/C)阳性,未检测到其他引起禽产蛋异常的病毒;以aMPV/C单一阳性的样品经鸭胚进行病毒分离与传代,发现接种鸭胚未见死亡,但胚体表面稍水肿和出血、肝脏出血;对第5代鸭胚液进行RT-PCR检测,结果显示aMPV/C分离阳性率为72.2%;对获得的4株分离株(JX2126、FJ2228、FJ2375和GD2381株)的基因片段进行测序和序列分析发现,该片段与最早报道的番鸭aMPV/C法国分离株(Muscovy duck/1999/99178/France)同源性最高,为96.1%,而与A、B、D型禽偏肺病毒(Avain metapneumoviurs subgroup A, B, D,aMPV/A, B, D)分离株的同源性仅分别为67.8%~68.7%、66.1%~66.8%和71.4%,与人偏肺病毒(Human metapneumoviurs,hMPV)分离株的同源性为67.7%~68.3%;遗传进化分析表明,以上4株分离株与aMPV/C处于同一进化分支上,而与其他亚型aMPV和hMPV亲缘关系较远;经开产麻鸭人工感染试验,成功复制出与自然感染病例相同的临床病症,并能回收到病毒。
      结论  明确引起种(蛋)鸭输卵管积液综合征的病原为C型禽偏肺病毒。本研究为该病的快速准确诊断和精准防控提供科学依据。


      Objective  Pathogen causing the hydrosalpinx fluid syndrome (HFS) with a declined egg-laying in breeding and egg-laying ducks was investigated for the disease control.
      Method  Nucleic acid amplification, pathogen isolation and identification, and artificial infection on ducks were carried out on tissue samples collected from the live or dead Sheldrake Ducks, Cherry Valley Ducks, and Muscovy Ducks that were found infected by HFS at farms in Fujian, Guangdong, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Anhui, and Guangxi autonomous region. The disease symptoms included chylous hydrosalpinx fluids and hemorrhagic, edematous, and thickened mucosa, in addition to a declined egg-laying on the ducks.
      Result  No bacteria were detected in the hydrosalpinx fluid. In the clinical specimens, RT-PCR tested positive on avian metapneumovirus subgroup C (aMPV/C) but no other commonly known viruses that cause a declined egg-laying in ducks. Subsequently, the duck embryos inoculated with the viral infected samples were aMPV/C-positive and showed slight embryonic edema and bleeding on the embryo surface and liver. The virus isolation rate on the F5 embryo fluid by RT-PCR was 72.2%. The nucleotide sequences of the isolated FJ2375, GD2381, FJ2228, and JX2126 had a homology of 96.1% with the earliest reported aMPV/C-infected Muscovy duck/1999/99178/France, those of 67.8-68.7%, 66.1-66.8%, and 71.4% with aMPV/A, B, and D, respectively, and that of 67.7-68.3% with the human MPV. The sequences were more closely related to aMPV/C than the others in genetic evolution. Furthermore, the virus was successfully recovered from the artificially infected ducks that exhibited similar HFS symptoms observed in naturally diseased birds.
      Conclusion  The pathogenic virus that caused HFS in ducks was identified as aMPV/C. It paved the way for the development of means to accurately diagnose and effectively prevent and control the disease.


