• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Research on the Damage of Donghai Root-knot Nematode to citrus Trees Growing on Sandy Beach along the Coast

  • 摘要: 东海根结线虫(Meloidogyne donghaiensis)引发一种新的根结线虫病害在我省沿海沙滩大面积严重为害柑桔。本文报道其侵染柑桔后引起树体严重衰退,并描述了致病的三个阶段特点以及地下根部结瘤新症状。致病三阶段指侵染期、衰退期和衰败期。其新症状是:1.根瘤内除含雌虫外还含有大量雄虫,它们幼虫期均刺激寄主根组织而产生巨型细胞。共同为害根部:2.根瘤内没有雌虫仅含雄虫,但幼虫期也产生巨型细胞,所形成的根瘤比雌虫形成的根瘤略小。


    Abstract: Donghai Root-knot Nematode causes a new root-knot disease which damages sandy beach-growing citrus in large area along the coast of Fujian province.This paper described a serious decline of the infected citrus trees and reported three diseasedes phases and new root-knot symptom in the underground part.The three phases are.the infectious phase, the declining phasethe waning phase.The new root-knot symptom is,1.there are a lot of males in the root-knots besides females, they damage root system by jointly stimulating root tissue to induce giant cells at their juvenile stage:2.only males were found in the root-knots, they are able to induce giant cells and form smaller root-knots than the ones which induced by females.


