The Basic Nutrient Contents in the Soil of High-yielding Lonyan Orchard in Fujian
摘要: 研究表明,福建龙眼六大主产区丰产园土壤基本养分含量属较好水平,个别养分(镁、磷)含量较低,再次强调加强土壤培肥管理的重要性。研究还表明,绝大多数养分含量之间呈显着或极显着正相关,显示出土壤肥力发展具有一定的平衡关系。提出福建丰产龙眼园土壤基本养分含量的适宜范围,可供龙眼园土壤肥力评价及营养诊断之参考。Abstract: The results of our studies showed that the basic nutrient status of the soil in high-yielding Lonyan orchard is maintained at an optimum level in the six major production areas in Fujian Province.The content of a few nutrient elements(Mg, P)are somewhat lower.We therefore lay emphasis on the importance of enhancing soil fertility.Furthermore,the data also showed that there was significantly or more significantly positive correlation among most of the basic nutrientcontents.These findings indicated that the patterns of soil fertility is in a balanced state.The present paper suggests the optimum range of the basic nutrient contents in the soil of high-yielding Lonyan orchard in Fujian.These criteria may provide the parameters for evaluating soil fertility and nutrient diagnosis of Lonyan orchard.