The Limited Factors and Strategy for Increasing the Yield of Rice Hybrid Seed Production
摘要: 莆田杂交水稻制种产量年际变化较大,变幅580.5~3024kg/hm2,主要原因是母本异交结实率年际差异极大,在11.2596~40.87%之间。从近十年的制种产量、构成因子和气象资料的相关分析表明:制种田抽穗开花期间的逐年平均气温、相对湿度、天气状况等对母本异交率影响很大。开花期间受低温(日均温度25℃),干旱(相对湿度70%),梅雨(3天以上连续阴雨)或台风天气影响,异交率将大大下降,这些不利因素成为制约制种高产稳产的主要因素。从统计分析气候资料入手,并应用当年的长期(1~9月)天气预报,寻找出现有利于制种田安全开花的天气分布时段,是获得制种高产稳产的一项基本策略。Abstract: The Yield of rice hybrid seed preduction was obviously fluctuated(ranging from 580.5 to 3024.0kg/hm2)in Putian county during the past decate. The main reason was that the setting percent-age of female parent sharply different in various years,ranging from 11. 25%to 40. 87%. The correla-tive analysis between the yield of hybrid seed and its components as well as meterological factors showed that the factors including average temperattire,relative humidity and other weather conditions during rice heading and blooming phases had greatly effected on the allogamous setting percentage of female parent.The setting percentage would markedly decreased if florescence occured under low temperature(daily temperature lower than 25℃), arid(relative humidity lower than 70%),and plum rains(more than 3 days) or typhoon condition. The above unfavourable factors were the main restrictions in increasing and stablizing the yield of hybrid seed in Putian County.Concerning the statistical meteorological materials and the long time weather reports(from 1~9 months),we try to find out the favourable time to safe blooming. That is the basic measure of increasing and stablizing the yield of hybrid seed production.