Cloning and Expression Analysis for Color Related Genes in Flower of Oncidium Sharry Baby.
摘要: 依据已发布的氨基酸保守序列设计引物,从香水文心兰Oncidium SharryBaby.红色花萼中克隆得到花色相关基因CHS、ANS、DFR3个结构基因的保守序列,所获保守序列长度分别为611、288、554bp。序列分析表明:这3个结构基因与其他植物来源的花色相关基因均具有较高的同源性,分别为77%~89%、72%~99%和57%~96%。半定量RT-PCR分析表明:3个基因在蕾期或始花期表达量最高,盛花期表达量降低;在红色花萼中有表达,在叶片和黄色唇瓣中均没有表达。Abstract: Three flower color related genes(CHS、ANS、DFR)were cloned from the red flower sepals of Oncidium Sharry Baby with homology sequence cloning. The length of their conservative sequences were 611 bp、288 bp and 554 bp. Sequence analysis showed that these genes revealed high homology with the color related genes from other plants, ranging from 77%~89%、72%~99% and 57%~96% for CHS、ANS and DFR, respectively. Results of RT-PCR analysis showed that the transcripts of three genes were detected from red sepals but not in yellow labellum and leaves. The expression level of three genes was high in the bud and early flowering stages, and then decreased in blooming.