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2024 Vol. 39, No. 3

2024, 39(3): 1-2.
Crop Science
The Cold Tolerance Analysis of Three Sweet Maize Cultivars in Seedlings and Field
ZHAN Penglin, ZHANG Yang, LIN Jianxin, LU Heding, XU Jing, ZHUANG Wei, CHEN Shanhu, LIAO Changjian
2024, 39(3): 243-250. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.03.001
  Objective  Three cold-tolerant sweet maize cultivars were tested at seedling stage as well as in the field to select the variety for extending growth season to increase productivity.  Method  An indoor experiment using seedlings of Mintian 6855, Cuitian 618, and Guangliangtian NO. 27 (named Guangliang 27) was conducted at 4 ℃ for varied durations. A field test was also carried out on the plants in cold weather. Phenotype identification was used to compare and analyze the physiological indices on the seedlings and the ear appearance in the field.   Results  (1) Phenotypic appearances of Mintian 6855 seedlings of the 3 cultivars showed the strongest cold tolerance after being treated at 4 ℃ for 24, 48, and 72 h, while Guangliang 27 seedlings were the weakest. (2) The activities of SOD, CAT, and POD of the Mintian 6855 seedlings in 48 h were respectively 315.43 U·g−1, 771.97 µmoL·min−1·g−1, and 429.81 U·g−1; 13.9%, 28.5%, and 109.1% higher than those of Cuitian 618; and 34.3%, 18.8%, and 86.4% higher than those of Guangliang 27. Among the 3 cultivars, Mintian 6855 accumulated MDA in the least amount. The SP content in Mintian 6855 was significantly higher than that in Guangliang 27. (3) The SOD activity was extremely significant correlated with the treatment time. The CAT and SOD activities significantly correlated with the SP content. (4) In the field test, the well-developed ears harvested from the winter crop of Mintian 6855 had an appealing appearance free of any missing kernels. On average, the plants produced significantly more rows of kernels at 15.6 and dry kernel yield at 71.68% per ear than did Cuitian 618 or Guangliang 27.  Conclusion  Mintian 6855 was significantly more tolerant to low temperatures as shown phenotypically and physiologically at seedling stage. As a mature plant in the field, it bore appealing ears under cold climate.
Accumulation and Molecular Detection of Pb and Cd in Sweet Corn Inbred Lines
LI Shujun, LIU Yajuan, ZHANG Yang, PU Rumin, YUAN Liang, LIAO Changjian
2024, 39(3): 251-258. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.03.002
  Objective  Sweet corn inbred lines low in accumulating Pb and Cd were identified, and a molecular detection method for the pollutants examined.  Method  Ten sweet corn inbred lines were tested on Pb and Cd accumulation. In a pot experiment, the heavy metals in roots, stems/leaves, and kernels of the plants grown on soil with spiked Pb and/or Cd were measured over time. Applicability of a molecular detection method on Pb and Cd at the InDel locus of ZmHMA2 in corn plant was scrutinized.   Result  The accumulation of Pb and Cd in organs of a corn plant was roots>stems/leaves>kernels. It did not differ significantly whether the metal elements were presented individually or simultaneously in the soil. Two inbred lines were identified to retain in the kernels less on Pb, 3 on Cd, and only Mintian X901 on both Pb and Cd. The targeted molecular detection found InDel 2307 locus in 4 of the specimens, the average content of Cd which contained were 1.801 mg·kg−1 lower in the roots, 0.64 mg·kg−1 lower in the stems/leaves, and 0.131 mg·kg−1 lower in the kernels compared to the average of the other varieties.  Conclusion  The InDel 2307 locus as a marker displayed a specificity in differentiating Cd content in corn plants grown on soils contaminated with different levels of the heavy metals. The molecular detection result and the Pb and Cd contents on the 10 sweet corn inbred lines indicated that Mintian X901 was the cultivar least prone to accumulate the pollutants.
Effects of Straw Mulching on Soil Quality, Corn Yield and Quality
JIAO Jing, HUANG Xiaohong, DU Jihua, LI Puwang, YANG Ziming, LI Zunxiang, LIU Xinpeng, SONG Shuhui, HE Zuyu
2024, 39(3): 259-265. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.03.003
  Objective  Effects of spent straws of tropical plants used for mulching on farm soil and corn crop were studied.   Method   A field experimentation was conducted on designated plots applying sugarcane leaves mulching (SLM) , decayed sugarcane leaves mulching (DSLM) , pineapple leaves mulching (PLM), Fugui bamboo leaves mulching (FLM), or two controls of plastic film covering (CK1) and no mulching (CK2). Soil pH, organic matter, total N, available P, and available K as well as corn yield and quality of the plots were determined.   Result  All straw mulching increased pH, organic matter, total N, available P, and available K over CK2. Specifically, FLM increased pH by 22.22% , organic matter by 21.63%, total N by 24.51%, available P by 2.74%, and available K by 389.38%. In comparison with CK1, the increases were by 9.01% on pH, by 6.42% on organic matter, by 17.59% on total N, and by 477.79% on available K but an insignificant decline on available P. For the yield of corn crop, significant increases were observed with DSLM and FLM, but no significant effect on the others.  Conclusion  Mulching the corn field with tropical straws improved the soil properties, corn quality, and crop yield. FLM significantly upgraded the soil fertility, while RSLM enhanced the crop yield.
Microencapsulated Rhizosphere Bacteria for Promoting Growth of Corn Plants
LIU Wenjia, LIU Tianyi, ZHANG Limin, XU Chang, MO Jixian
2024, 39(3): 266-275. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.03.004
  Objective  Microencapsulation was applied to improve the stability of PGPRs for promoting corn growth.   Method   Rhizosphere bacteria that promote corn growth were isolated. The bacteria in broth were encapsulated using sodium alginate (SA) and CaCl2. Based on operation efficiency and PGPR survival rate, optimal conditions for the encapsulation were determined. Properties of the microencapsulated agent were analyzed for field applications with respect to the bacterial proliferation under varied artificial dehydration created by using polyethylene glycol (PEG) and salt, temperatures, pHs, and storage times as well as the growth and root morphology of the treated corn plants.   Result  Two PGPR strains with multiple plant growth promoting functions were isolated. The microcapsule microbial agent prepared with a mass fraction of 1% SA-3% CaCl2 had good stability. The embedding rate of the microcapsule microbial agent reached 91.27%, the number of live bacteria reached 8.73 × 109 cfu·g−1, and the proliferation was 7.79 times. Significant protection against the imposed adverse conditions was observed. In comparison with the virgin PGPRs broth, the encapsulation also significantly enhanced the growth of the treated corn plants with a 91.83% increase on plant height, 81.82% on seedling dry weight, and 29.57% on root dry weight over control. In addition, the total length, surface area, diameter, volume, and tip number of the roots of the corn plants grown with the encapsulated PGPRs were significantly increased as well.   Conclusion  Microencapsulation significantly improved the stability as well as the root morphology and growth promoting effect of PGPRs on the corn plants.
Genetics and Quality of Germplasms of Spring Soybeans for Fresh Consumption
LIN Wenlei, LV Meiqin, LI Mingsong, SHI Yingying, KANG Rongrong, ZENG Hongying
2024, 39(3): 276-289. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.03.005
  Objective  Genetics and quality of a variety of germplasms of spring soybeans for fresh consumption were studied and evaluated for breeding and production in Fujian province.   Method  Descriptive statistics and analyses of variation, correlation, principal components, and clustering were applied to study the genetics of 47 germplasms. Seven phenotypic and 13 agronomic traits were selected to evaluate the quality of the spring soybeans for fresh consumption.   Result  Aside from plant type and podding habit, phenotypic traits differentiated significantly among the 47 germplasms. There were distinctive differences on 13 agronomic traits with variation coefficients ranging from 7.49% to 38.07%. Among them, the coefficient on the bottom pod height was the largest and that on the standard pod length the smallest. Significant correlations were found between (1) plant height and bottom pod height, number of effective branches, pod weight per plant, and standard pod yield, (2) stem girth and pod weight per plant, standard pod yield, and number of effective branches, (3) count of effective branches and pod weight per plant, standard pod yield, and fresh pod yield, (4) effective and standard pod counts per plant and pod weight per plant, and (5) pod weight per plant and standard and fresh pod yields. The CASAR normalized maximum variance rotational principal component analysis indicated that the 13 agronomic traits provided 73.677% information describing 4 major factors on pod yield, pod number, plant type, and pod shape of the plants. Based on the principal factor characteristic vector and corresponding characteristic root and the comprehensive principal component score on each of and the Euclidean distances among the 47 germplasms calculated from the standardized data on 13 agronomic traits, the method of the sum of squared deviations divided the 47 germplasms into 2 major categories and 2 sub-categories, whereas the cluster analysis classified them into 3 major categories and 2 sub-categories. The two methods drew a generally agreeable conclusion. Based on the scores of top 10 principal components, standard pod yield, and fresh pod yield of the cultivars, Nannong 1821, Mindou No. 14, Xinghuadou No. 8, Xinghua 618, Mindou No. 10, Xinghuadou No. 9, Xinghuadou No. 4, and Xinghuadou No. 3 were the choice high-quality, high-yield germplasms of spring soybeans for fresh consumption.   Conclusion  Of 47 spring soybean germplasms, 8 stood out as the most desirable cultivars for fresh consumption. They were also highly diversified genetically for being used as parents or intermediate materials in breeding new varieties.
Identification and Expressions of TIFY Family Based on the Full-Length Transcriptome in Isodon rubescens
LIAN Conglong, LAN Jinxu, YANG Jingfan, LI Jingjing, YANG Hao, CHEN Suiqing
2024, 39(3): 290-301. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.03.006
  Objective   TIFY protein is a key regulator of the JA signalling pathway and plays a significant regulatory role in plant growth and development, abiotic stress and the accumulation of secondary metabolites. The identification of the TIFY gene in Isodon rubescens provides a theoretical foundation for the breeding of I. rubescens with enhanced stress tolerance and the investigation of the synthesis of secondary metabolites.  Method  TIFY family was identified using bioinformatic methods based on the full-length transcriptome database of I. rubescens. Expressions of the genes in tissues were analyzed by RT-qPCR.   Result   (1) A total of 12 IrTIFYs genes were identified in I. rubescens. (2) The amino acid length was 124—378, the molecular weight 13 924.89—39 692.38 Da, and the isoelectric point ranged from 5.05 to 9.69. All members were unstable proteins, except for IrTIFY10. IrTIFY proteins were all located in the nucleus and were hydrophilic proteins without signal peptides. (3) Structural analysis indicates that IrTIFY proteins lack transmembrane structure and that the most abundant secondary structure type is random coil. Furthermore, all TIFY proteins contain multiple phosphorylation sites. (4) The IrTIFY gene family had weak codon preference, with a slight tendency to use codons ending in A or U. (5) There were many light-, hormone-, and stress-responsive cis-elements in the IrTIFY gene family, but cis-elements were difference in numbers and types among different members.(6)Evolutionary tree analysis showed that the 12 members of the TIFY family were divided into four subfamilies: PPD (IrTIFY2), ZML (IrTIFY3/8/10), TIFY (IrTIFY7/12), and JAZ (IrTIFY1/4/5/6/9/11). They were closest to that of Salvia miltiorrhiza of Labiaceae family. (7) RT-qPCR analysis revealed that the expression of all 12 members of the TIFY family of I. rubescens in different tissues was as follows: leaves > stems > roots, and most of them were significantly different.   Conclusion  Based on the above results, it is hypothesised that the TIFY gene family plays an important regulatory role in the growth and development of I. rubescens and may be involved in the regulation of the synthesis of secondary metabolites of I. rubescens, which lays the foundation for further in-depth study of the function of the TIFY gene family in I. rubescens and provides an idea for the further study of the function of the TIFY gene family in I. rubescens.
Horticultural Science
Determination of Viability of Passion Fruit Pollens
XIANG Yanyan, HUANG Weijie, LAI Jianglong, TANG Limei, LIN Tingxing, LI Liang, WEI Xiuqing, XU Jiahui
2024, 39(3): 302-309. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.03.007
  Objective   Method for determining the viability of passion fruit pollens was explored to facilitate the utilization of existing germplasms and breeding new varieties.  Methods  Medium and conditions for in vitro culture of Passiflora pollens was optimized. Appropriate staining methods to determine and storage conditions to maximize the pollen viability were investigated. Contents of sucrose, H3BO3, Ca(NO3)2, and polyethylene glycol-4000 (PEG-4000) of the medium were optimized in an orthogonal experiment on pollens of 6 germplasms. Pollen germination on the finalized medium for varied culture times was observed. The staining of I2-KI, TTC, and Alexander methods and storage for different durations at different temperatures were compared.  Results   The optimum medium was formulated with 100 g·L−1 sucrose, 0.02 g·L−1 H3BO3, 0.04 g·L−1 Ca(NO3)2, 150 g·L−1 PEG-4000, 200 g·L−1 MgSO4·7H2O, and 100 g·L−1 KNO3, then adjusted to pH 5.5. The pollen germination was examined in 1 h of the in vitro culture. TTC staining showed satisfactory effect with no significant deviations from the in vitro observation indicating it an applicable indicator for pollen viability. In 24 h of storage at 25 ℃ the pollen viability was 30.48%; and at 4 ℃, it was 26.69% and remained 26.54%–29.05% for 7 d.  Conclusion  The medium formulation and in vitro culture time as well as the staining method and storage conditions of passion fruit pollens were determined making a rapid and reliable procedure to maximize the pollen germination available.
Effects of Low Temperature and Poor Lighting on Anthocyanin Content and Fruit Quality of Eggplant
SHEN Baoying, WU Hongqi, LIN Biying
2024, 39(3): 310-319. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.03.008
  Objective   Anthocyanin content at various growth stages and fruit quality of eggplants exposed to low temperature and/or deficient light were studied.   Methods  Purple black eggplant Xiu Niang was grown in a greenhouse under (A) daytime/night temperatures of 18 ℃/13 ℃ with normal lighting at 250 μmol·m−2·s−1, (B) normal temperatures of 25 ℃/20 ℃ with poor lighting at 120 μmol·m−2·s−1, (C) low temperatures of 18 ℃/13 ℃ with poor lighting at 120 μmol·m−2·s−1, or (CK) normal temperatures and lighting. Growth, physiology, anthocyanin contents in different plant parts, and quality of fruit of the eggplants at seedling, flowering, and fruiting stages were monitored.   Results  The stresses of low temperature and/or poor lighting affected the growth of eggplant seedlings. Low temperature alone (i.e., A) exerted significantly greater effects on the growth and physiology of the seedlings than B or C. The anthocyanin contents in the organs of a seedling ranked stems>leaf veins>leaves>roots. At the flowering stage, the content was higher in the petals than the calyx; and at the fruiting stage, it ranked peels>stalks>fruits>pulp. The anthocyanin content in the plant at all stages under various treatments were B<CK<C<A. The coloration of eggplant was intensified by the treatments in a trend of B<CK<C<A. And the treatments appeared to cause reductions in the order of A<C<B<CK on the soluble sugars, soluble proteins, flavonoids, and total phenols contents in the plants.   Conclusion  Exposure to low temperature (e.g., 18 ℃ in daytime and 13 ℃ at night) promoted, but poor lighting inhibited, anthocyanin synthesis in eggplant. When both conditions were imposed simultaneously on the plants, the effect of low temperature on anthocyanin overshadowed that of poor lighting. In contrast, the fruit quality suffered by either low temperature, poor lighting, or both, especially low temperature.
Construction and Application of Evaluation System for Crassulaceae Germplasms
CHEN Yiquan, LUO Yuanhua, WU Jianshe, LIN Bing, YE Xiuxian
2024, 39(3): 320-329. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.03.009
  Objective  A method to effectively evaluate the quality of Crassulaceae germplasms in Fujian was established.  Method   Based on horticultural traits, ornamental property, weather adaptability, and potential applications, 48 varieties of succulent plants in the germplasm collection in Fujian were classified by means of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP)and K-Means clustering.  Result  The AHP analysis selected 14 morphological traits, including leaf color, mesophyll texture development, adaptability to summer conditions, plant appearance, and flowering period, which contributed a weight of 61.2% of the total ranking score, to be the key evaluation criteria. The K-Means clustering graded 7 cultivars of the 48 germplasms, Echeveri agavoides 'Ebony', Graptopetalum 'Purple Delight', Echeveria 'Alba Beauty', Graptoveria 'Opalina', Echeveria nodulosa 'Maruba', Echeveria 'Blue Elf', and Echeveria 'Peach Pride', as excellent, while 14 including Crassula rupestris F. as good and the remainders, average.   Conclusion  The classification on quality of Crassulaceae germplasms applied AHP and K-Means clustering basically agreed with the field observations in choosing the two top-grade groups that accounted for 43.75% of the 48 succulent plants to be the candidates for breeding and promotion.
Plant Protection
Isolation, Identification, Biological Characteristics, and Fungicide Toxicity of Atractylodes Root Rot Pathogen
GU Qingyi, ZHANG Yaozhou, WU Xiaoya, HUANG Yaqin, QIAO Xinrong, SHEN Jun
2024, 39(3): 330-338. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.03.010
  Objective  Pathogen that caused the root rot on Atractylodes macrocephala at Xinyang, Henan Province was isolated, identified, and studied for prevention and control of the disease.  Method  Morphological and multiple gene analyses were employed to identify the pathogen. Biological characteristics of the isolate were determined.   Result  The isolate had white hyphae, oval spores with slightly pointed ends, macroconidia sized (7–10) μm× (3–4) μm with 3–5 septa, and microconidia sized (3–5) μm × (1–2) μm with two or no compartments. It showed a high homology with Fusarium fujikuroi and was, for the first time, identified as the fungal pathogen responsible for the root rot disease on Atractylodes macrocephala. It thrived at 28 ℃, pH 7, sucrose for carbon, and potassium nitrate for nitrogen. Of the 3 plant-based fungicides tested, 0.3% eugenol soluble agent exerted the greatest toxicity on the isolate with an EC50 of 6.906 mg·L−1.   Conclusion   F. fuciformis was identified as the pathogen that caused the root rot disease on A. macrocephala in Henan. The optimal culture conditions for the fungus included 28 ℃, pH 7, sucrose as the carbon source, and potassium nitrate as the nitrogen source.
A Multiplex RT-PCR Assay for Detecting Three Pathogens Infecting Citrus Plants
YUAN Linkai, MA Chonghuan, LI Dingshan, CHEN Zhiwei, JIANG Xiaofeng, DING Xinlun, ZHANG Jie, WU Zujian
2024, 39(3): 339-344. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.03.011
  Objective   A multiplex RT-PCR assay to simultaneously detect citrus yellow vein clearing virus (CYVCV), citrus tristeza virus (CTV), and hop stunt viroid (HSVd) was developed.   Method   Multiplex RT-PCR primers were designed, and their specificity was analyzed. The optimal concentration ratio, annealing temperature and sensitivity of primers were determined. Moreover, citrus samples from Fujian region were detected by the established multiplex RT-PCR.  Result   The optimized concentration ratio of CYVCV-F/R, CTV-F/R, and HSVd-F/R primers was 1:1:2, and the annealing temperature at 52.9 ℃ for the assay. The assay displayed a sensitivity at 10-2 dilution and the positive detections on CYVCV of 47.1%, on CTV of 56.7%, and on HSVd of 22.9% on 157 detected samples.   Conclusion  A rapid, accurate, applicable multiplex RT-PCR method for CYVCV, CTV, and HSVd detections was successfully established.
Resources and Environmental Science
Effect of Biochar Application on Aggregate Stability and Nitrogen Fertilizer Distribution of Forestland Soil
ZHANG Weiting, GUO Yuxuan, WEI Yuanhui, JIA Guanghao, MAO Yanling
2024, 39(3): 345-353. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.03.012
  Objective  Effects of biochar addition on the soil aggregates were analyzed for controlling erosion, maintaining permeability, and retaining water and nitrogen fertilizer on forestland.  Method  In a one-year pot experiment, soil sample from a forestland in Fujian was used in treatments applying either no extra materials as control (CK), a chemical fertilizer (F), wood biochar along with a chemical fertilizer (MC), or straw biochar with a chemical fertilizer (JC). The chemical fertilizer contained 1 g of urea, 2.19 g of superphosphate, and 0.44 g potassium chloride. Biochar was added at 140 g per pot. Nitrogen fertilizer distribution in soil was visualized by analytical data, and a topdressing of 5 g 15N-urea included to trace nitrogen movements. Soil aggregation and aggregate stability were monitored.  Results  (1) The content of macroaggregates in soil was significantly raised by MC or JC over F with the greatest effect on the aggregates larger than 2 mm—a 108.92 % increase by MC and 119.11 % by JC. (2) In comparison to F, the presence of biochar under MC and JC stabilized the aggregation structure with significantly higher indexes on MWD, GMD, and R>0.25 mm and lower D. Between the MC and JC treatments, the latter was superior to the former. (3) The biochar addition also heightened the total nitrogen content in soil aggregates of different sizes. The MC-treated soil had a higher content than the JC counterpart. The nitrogen contribution rate by larger-than-2 mm aggregates was significantly 38.09% more under MC and 69.10 % under JC than F. (4) When biochar was added, more δ15N was detected in the >0.25–2 mm aggregates. MC resulted in 2.25-fold, and JC 3.89-fold, of that of F. The nitrogen retention in large aggregates significantly correlated with the aggregate stability of soil.   Conclusion  Application of biochar not only enhanced the stability of aggregates but also reduced nitrogen loss in soil at forestland. Nitrogen fertilizer was retained more effectively in macro- than micro-aggregates in soil. The straw biochar appeared to improve more on aggregate stability, while wood biochar more so on nitrogen retention.
Food Science
Functional Evaluation of Enzymatic Hydrolyzed Peptides from Hongqu Glutinous Rice Wine Grains Protein
HOU Rui, LIANG Zhangcheng, LIN Xiaojie, LIN Xiaozi, ZHANG Xiuhong, HE Zhigang
2024, 39(3): 354-361. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.03.013
  Objective  The study investigated the effects of various proteases on the enzymatic hydrolysis of protein from Hongqu glutinous rice wine grains, followed by a functional evaluation of the resulting enzymatic hydrolysate. The purpose was to provide theoretical support for the development and preparation of protein peptides derived from Hongqu glutinous rice wine grains protein.   Method  Purified Hongqu glutinous rice wine grains were utilized as the raw material, employing various proteases, including alcalase, trypsin, animal protease, papain, bromelain, pepsin, compound enzyme preparation F106, and yeast extract enzyme, for enzymatic hydrolysis. The enzymatic hydrolysis rate, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), and 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) diammonium salt (ABTS) free radical scavenging antioxidant ability, xanthine oxidase (XOD), and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity, along with other biological activity functions, were described.  Results  The peak proteolytic rates for animal protease and trypsin were (71.43±1.03)% and (70.20±0.32)%, respectively. Among the hydrolysates, those derived from pepsin, alcalase and yeast extract enzyme exhibited the best DPPH free radical scavenging antioxidant capacity. The median effective concentration(EC50) of peptides were (2.78±0.34) mg·mL−1, (3.02±0.03) mg·mL−1 and (3.24±0.65) mg·mL−1, respectively. The hydrolysates of pepsin and alcalase exhibited superior ABTS scavenging and XOD inhibition capabilities. The protein of peptides EC50 values were (1.54±0.07) mg·mL−1, (6.45±0.27) mg·mL−1, (10.71±0.06) mg·mL−1, and (17.68±0.04) mg·mL−1, respectively, while their half inhibitory indices of XOD were (1.28±0.01) and (1.78±0.03), respectively. Alcalase and papain hydrolysate showed themostoptimal ACE inhibitory activity. The EC50 of the peptides were (0.27±0.01) mg·mL−1 and their half inhibition indices were (118.40±2.53) and (98.35±1.95), respectively.  Conclusion  The peptides derived from the protein of Hongqu glutinous rice wine grains exhibit different biological activities after enzymatic hydrolysis by various proteases. Among them, the XOD inhibitory activity of pepsin enzymatic hydrolysis is stronger, and the ACE inhibitory activity of alcalase and papain enzymatic hydrolysis is better.
SERS Detection of Enrofloxacin and Ciprofloxacin Residues in Seafood
LIU Wenjing, PAN Wei, LIN Huizhen, CHEN Hongju, YAN Shaode
2024, 39(3): 362-368. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.03.014
  Objective   A rapid method for detecting residues of enrofloxacin (ENR) and ciprofloxacin (CIP) in seafood by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) was developed.  Method   On spiked seafood samples, (50±5) nm silver nanoparticles were used as the enhancement reagent and 200 g·L−1 NaCl solution as the extraction solution for the SERS assay. Detection results were read within 3 min and mathematical correlation between peak measurement and drug concentration examined. Based on the linearity and limit of detection, optimal assay conditions were determined.  Result  The assay showed several peaks on ENR and CIP standards. The C-N bending vibration caused the peak at 532 cm−1, the out-of-plane bending vibration at 552 cm−1, the C-N, C-C-F out-of-plane and C-C=O in-plane bending vibrations at 651 cm−1, the stretching vibration of C-H on the benzene ring, C-C=O out-of-plane bending vibration, C-C-N bending vibration and C-H, C-N stretching vibration at 737 cm−1, and the C-H, C-N out-of-plane bending vibration at 785 cm−1. By quantifying the characteristic peak at 737 cm−1, a linear relationship with an R2>0.96 was found between the Raman intensity and drug concentration in the range of 10–200 ng·mL−1. The assay had a recovery rate of 78.4%~106.7%, RSD of 2.1%~6.7%, and a detection limit of 10 μg·kg−1.   Conclusion  The newly developed rapid SERS assay for detecting ENR and CIP residues in seafood was deemed accurate, stable, and applicable for field screening and testing.